category : 3/14, ÃÑ °Ô½Ã¹° : 278
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238 ÇкνÅÀÔ San Jose State U., Aerospace Engineering ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 429 2020-05-20
237 ÇкνÅÀÔ Iowa State U., Aerospace Engineering ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 431 2020-05-20
236 ÇкνÅÀÔ U. of Kansas, Sports Management with Scholarship ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 511 2020-05-20
235 ÇкνÅÀÔ SUNY, Cortland with Schoalship ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 507 2020-05-20
234 ÇкνÅÀÔ Miami Univ. Sports Leadership & Management with Scholarship ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 446 2020-05-20
233 ÇкνÅÀÔ U. of Oregon, Business ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 443 2020-05-20
232 ÇкνÅÀÔ San Jose State U., Aviation- Professional Flight ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 513 2020-05-20
231 ÇкνÅÀÔ Western Michigan Univ. Aviation Flight Science ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 530 2020-05-20
230 ÇкνÅÀÔ U. of Dubuque, Flight Operations-Airplane with Scholarship ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 502 2020-05-20
229 ÇкνÅÀÔ Arizona State Univ. Professional Flight with Scholarship ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 510 2020-05-20
228 ÇкνÅÀÔ Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Flight with scholarship ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 511 2020-05-20
227 ¼®»ç°úÁ¤ Boston Univ. ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 479 2020-05-20
226 ÇкÎÆíÀÔ Purdue Univ. ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 457 2020-05-20
225 ÇкνÅÀÔ Pennsylvania State Univ. Business ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 384 2020-05-20
224 ÇкνÅÀÔ UC-Irvine, Business ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 379 2020-05-20
223 ÇкνÅÀÔ UCSD ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 370 2020-05-20
222 ÇкÎÆíÀÔ New York Univ, Biomolecular Engineering ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 388 2020-05-20
221 ÇкÎÆíÀÔ RPI, Biomedical Engineering ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 378 2020-05-20
220 ÇкνÅÀÔ U. of Iowa with Scholarship ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 596 2019-04-24
219 ÇкνÅÀÔ Binghamton Univ ¸í¹®À¯Çпø 585 2019-04-24

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